
“The flamingo”

“The flamingo”

- We all know that the Pink Flamingo is an amazing figure and animal to exist in many countries , unfortunately they don’t exist a lot in Tunisia just some lakes. The pink color always has an energetic touch , especially in the eyes of the artist , we always aim to make the most enchanted paintings , which they speak through their image undoubtedly , we want to give the eye , the joy of watching , the joy of seeking through lines , colors , details , to distinguish the tools , and enable people to see our drawings the way we , the artists see them. What is clear is that flamingos exemplify a state of seemingly effortless grace and balance. As symbols of balance, flamingos remind us to seek balance in our own lives.

- Flamingos have their own charm , they are often symbolic of romance. Encountering flamingos, especially in pairs, it has a positive impact as well as energy , I wanted to perpetuate this magical idea on these walls in that wide spread street because a lot of people pass by each day , now it’s more vivant.

    • Photos
    • flamingo sidi hssen essijoumi
    • 29/06/2021
street art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumi street art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti  sidi hsen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumistreet art tunisie graffiti sidi hssen essijoumi